Our business aims to protect privacy rights. For this reason, we limit the collection and safeguard the privacy of personal information we collect or maintain.

Below are the principles we follow:

  • We only collect personal information that is allowed by law. We limit the personal information we collect to what is relevant, necessary, and allowed by law to provide our clients the service they request. As an example, we collect a person’s address, telephone number and social security number, among other things, to properly identify the person before being able to process a real estate loan application. As defined in the Information Practices Act, personal information is information that identifies or describes an individual including, name, social security number, physical description, home address, home telephone number, education, financial matters, and medical or employment history.
  • We present the purpose for the collection of the information.  When we ask persons to provide personal information, we explain the purpose for which the information will be used and how they may be disclosed to others in order to complete their transaction or application.
  • We use personal information only for its intended use, unless required otherwise by law.  There are instances when our business may be required by law to disclose a person’s personal information. Unless required by law, a person’s personal information will be used only as indicated in this Privacy Policy.
  • We ask people to review their personal information. To properly provide our service and to protect our clients, individuals who provide personal information are asked to review and correct the accuracy or completeness of the information provided to us.
  • We use information security safeguards. We aim to secure a person’s personal information by taking reasonable precautions. On our website, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Also, personal information is limited to individuals whose work requires the information for servicing the client’s transaction or application. Confidential information is destroyed pursuant to records retention rules. We conduct periodic audits to ensure that the principles we aim to protect are implemented.
  • Upon request, we can provide additional information about our privacy policy. Email your request to myhome@supremerealtyonline.com